The Waters Rise

1:05 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The wild storming and rising waters have increasingly challenged us here at the farm, even though we have miraculously avoided some of the more tragic damage and devastation of our surrounding folk.  We have been so grateful to be forging through a really difficult growing year.  We actually had an amazing lettuce season, which is winding down as temperatures rise along with the water.

When rain continually hits us, flooding the area like it has, the ability to address disease and critter damage is a much bigger challenge than even the normal issues we face, when committing to organic practices.  ( Lots of people hours. ) We cannot meet market expectations which would be ridiculously easy if we were to succumb to overt chemical methods, yet we have a much bigger picture in mind and heart.

We so appreciate our members and give great thanks to our land and all that provides us through this difficult time.  We still have a lot growing as we have really been fortunate too!  The onions and garlic are just all over the place, brimming with promise and early offering.

This week's CSA boxes include:

Bok Choi
Garlic Scapes
Kohl Rabi
Candy Onions (Sweet!)
And the always added element of surprise. ;)

If you are wondering what to do with these super shiny and fresh candy onions, here is a very simple solution.  No fuss.

Toss them on the grill.  My kids eat them grilled, stand alone!

Here is some guidance from Writes 4 Food, but I would like to add that I don't bother much oil or seasoning... these are really so lovely that a quick flash on a seasoned grill with whatever you are serving is pure magic by itself.

Thanks again for farming and eating with us.  We are honored.

Your Echo Team.

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