
6:51 PM Mandy 0 Comments

Our spring salad mix at its best 2013

Our table at New Bohemian Market, Cedar Rapids 2013
The Candiest of Apples: Candy Apple Red Onions 2013
Iowa City Farmer's Market Spread
Farmers Forrest and Will 2013
One of the garlic fields, early Summer 2011
Mizuna interplanted with Bok choy

tomatoes, basil, and others in one of the tall tunnels, late Spring 2011
Moveable high tunnel in fall

head o' cabbage, early Summer 2011
peppers, mulched and interplanted with leeks, early Summer 2011

 zucchini in flower, late Spring 2011

Sprouts at Ginter, Spring 2011

Sprouts at Ginter, Spring 2011
Hoop at Echo, Spring 2011
Garlic harvest, 2010
Rows of greens at Echo, late Summer 2010

Echollective during winter

Derek picking, Spring 2010

Derek with tomatoes, 2010
Cold frame high tunnels at sunset
Young garlic, Spring 2010
Echollective worker Louie discusses 'taters
 High tunnel

Surviror, barn kitty