CSA Newsletter, Week 4 - June 22 and 25
Firefly summertime evenings on Echo Ave. There are onions bulbing and a more varied assortment of zukes fruiting. A new walk-in is going in. This week's crazy weather challenge: the covering on one of the hoops took flight during some incredibly windy storms. The hoop is fixed up, but plants inside got bogged down a little. Wet weather is also complicating some of our succession plantings. Our working group from Americorps was just getting comfortable and digging in when they had to leave for Joplin, Missouri.
Thanks to volunteers helping with CSA veggies at market! You are a big help. We have many more days in July and beyond when we will need folks to stock and staff the table. Even if you only have an hour or so to lend a hand, we need ya on set-up (7:00ish on Saturdays or 4:30ish on Wednesdays). Find a sign-up list down at the market table on the CSA clipboard.
Garlic harvest festival is right around the corner-- July 8-10. It's an all-day, multi-day work party at Echollective Farm (879 Echo Ave., Mechanicsville, Iowa). Pick, clean, and trim garlic for as long as you please. All are welcome, the more the merrier. Bring some potluck vittles, gloves, hat, sunscreen, music makers. Wear your workin' shoes. Camping overnight is fine, with notice.
Please RSVP echocsa@gmail.com.
Please RSVP echocsa@gmail.com.

On the table this week:
- Garlic scapes
- Lettuce
- Zucchini
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Peas
- Parsley
- Other items, yet to be determined
Please tell us if you can't identify something on the market table, don't know what to do with a particular item, have a food allergy we should know about, or if you have other questions or comments. We love to hear from you!echocsa@gmail.com
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