Join Our Local, Veggie Party: CSA 2016!

It is that CSA sign-up time of year again. As we wrap up the farm happenings of 2015 and slowly move into 2016, we are looking forward to our 10th CSA season and 15th year on the farm. We have already cozied up to this year's seed catalogues, and today, we received our first seed order of onions, leeks, radishes, spinach, and a variety of herbs. Some of these items will be in this season's first CSA boxes come the beginning of May. Tiny, yet to be planted seeds will somehow be tucked into the soil, weeded and watered, harvested and nourishing our community by May. Whoa! There is so much goodness to be cultivated in 2016, and we invite you to be a part of it.
If you are interested in being a member of the Echollective CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), we have started the summer share sign-up. On the right side of this blog page is a printable brochure with the CSA sign-up. Please, print that CSA sign-up, fill it out with your information, and snail mail it to us with a check made out for half the total amount so we can reserve your spot.
For complete information on what the CSA will bring you throughout the season and pricing, please refer to the brochure on the right side of this blog page or contact us with you questions at We look forward to growing lots of community love and leafy green with you this season.
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