You, As a Food Buyer...
“You, as a food buyer, have the distinct privilege of proactively
participating in shaping the world your children will inherit.”
~ Joel Salatin
It is that time of year again already, to start the shaping of a new farm season here at Echollective and CSA membership is a big part of that planning process. With many of our past members chomping at the bit, we have begun to accept membership applications for 2015 and applying is really easy. Applications received on time really helps us to plan our growing according to demand. For those of you who may not know quite how CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) works, check out Local Harvests description. It is very thorough:
Otherwise, kick off 2015 with us, your local farmers, and be a part of Echollective! If cost is an issue, we do also offer work trade for a portion of your membership and you get to dig in and get your hands dirty! If you are wondering what might be on the menu each week, take a look through our archived blogs from May - September of 2014. We weekly send this blog out as a newsletter to our members with farm news, weekly box contents, farmers market updates and recipes.
All in all, CSA with us is not only an opportunity to participate in the sustainability in being a part of locally grown food but also supports our efforts at stewarding 35 acres of forested land, along with the 14+ we farm vegetables, herbs, perennials and cover crops with. Your participation helps us to conserve prairie grasslands and habitat, as humans who care and are committed to them. By supporting us as your local farm of choice, you are supporting sustainability in agriculture in your own community. Thank you!
“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”
~ Masanobu Fukuoka, The One-Straw Revolution
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